Name: Pokemon Paragon
Author: Tainted
Remake from: PKMN EMERALD
Features (Derect from Pokecommunit)
• New Moves and abilities
Moves and abilites up to gen 6 have been added. Abilities from gen 1-3 have been updated to match the newer generations,
• Physical/Special/Status Split
Moves now have the PSS Split.
• Fairy Type
Fairy type is in the game.
• New Region
Explore the Medley region and meet new friends, solve mysteries and become the new champion!
• Nature colored stats
A nature that increases a stat is colored red, while blue signifys a decreased stat.
• New Pokédex
A handful Pokémon from gen 4-5 have been added, I might put up a list.
• Mega Evolution
Mega Evolution is in the game, working as intended.
• Join Team Rocket, Team Aqua and Team Magma
Choose one of the team, and join them.
• Choice based events
Based on your actions, things may turn out different in the future, be it small or big.
There's also loosable battle battles.
• Minor features
Running indoors
BW 2 Repel System
100TMs, updated to the ORAS list
Wild double battles
New Pokéballs
FR/LG fishing

Ishrak Rahman
This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.
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Uhh I just want say that my Eevee some how evolved into Eletrivire I'm hoping if it can be fixed please also I'll like to say grinding is hard because wild poke are highly leveled and if someone is doing nuzlocke it's going to be extremely hard and if you can tell me where is the exp share that will be helpful also I love this keep working on it ;)
DeleteOcorreu o mesmo bug comigo esta jogando tranquilamente quando meu eevee virou um eletrivire
ReplyDeleteMas fora essa evolução interessante o jogo esta legal e sinceramente espero que continue melhorando cada vez mais e trazendo novas mecânicas,itens e correção de bugs ate deixas sua ROM boa a ponto de chegar ao top 10 das mais incríveis te desejo muita força cara
I came to Shamrock city and I met the desert and I don't know what I should do to be able to fight with the gym there can some one help me ??